Our courses offer a good compromise between the continuous assessment favoured by some universities and the emphasis placed on final exams by others.

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The first campus of Usman Public School System was established in 1989. Alhamdulillah, at present, it has 50 running campuses and more than 24500 students. The Usman Public School System is an establishment where great emphasis is given to Islamic moral values and basic ethics without compromising on high academic standards.


Core Values

1. Taqwa (Fear of Allah)

Being a Muslim it is our responsibility that we will try to achieve highest degree of تقوی ٰ in ourselves which may be displayed in our actions, attitudes and thoughts. We will instil love for Allah, fear of Allah, obedience to Allah only and seek His pleasure. Therefore we abstain every kind of evils and enjoin good deeds. All the members of UPSS will try to achieve highest degree of تقوی ٰ in themselves.

2. Following Prophet Muhammad خاتم النبیین ﷺ as Role Model

The Rasoolullahصلى الله عليه وسلم carried out the moral revolution and presented himself as model before Ummah. Today the Muslim Ummah can revive its acme by following the role model of Seerat e Tayyaba. All members of UPSS must be following the way of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم in their daily life to revive his Sunnah They will try to develop his personality traits such as honesty, modesty, humility, trustworthiness, dignity.

3. Enjoining good and forbidding evil

It is the prime objective of Muslim Ummah to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. We will achieve this goal by fostering sincerity, courage, determination, straightforwardness and required capability. All members of UPSS will try to enjoin good deeds and spread the message of Allah.

4. Research and Explore

People who rule the world are those who act according to research and exploration instead of static thought. Allah SWT has instructed every one to ponder over His creations to be able to compete with the rest of the World. All members of UPSS will improve their skills and competencies like creative and critical thinking, problem solving skills, collaborative and communication skills.

5. Service of Mankind

Every creation is member of Allah’s family. Allah loves those who care for all of His creations. We will develop an environment of cooperation and collaboration among each other. All the members of UPSS will value humanity. They will help others and donate generously in the way of Allah.

6. Protection of Ideology of Pakistan

Pakistan was founded on the basis of Islamic ideology. Therefore Muslim Ummah sees Pakistan as Fort of Islam. All members of UPSS will strive for the protection of Ideology of Pakistan. They will practically work for the establishment of the Islamic society in Pakistan.









